Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back in Kiari

Sorry for the delayed posting, but did want to let you all know that I am safely back in Kiari. I was able to leave Aibai about 9am on Tuesday morning, so we (me and 3 national guys) walked for about 10 hours and slept in a national home. We had hopes of making it all the way to Kiari, but my knee started giving me some trouble about halfway home, so we decided to stop. That only left about a 90 minute hike for Wednesday morning, so I was home by 8:30 -- a definite blessing!
The time in Aibai was definitely a profitable one. Thanks for your prayers in that regard. Since I've gotten back and started doing clinic again, I have really been able to tell how much I learned while I was there. Friday (my first clinic day after I returned), I did my first stitches since I arrived in PNG. A lady had cut the bottom of her big toe with a bush knife. I put six stitches in, but it was a bit challenging due to the toughness of her skin. Most people here don't wear shoes, so the bottom of their feet is as hard as shoe leather.
Randy Smith, the senior missionary, is in town for a few days on a supply run. As you may recall, the helicopter pilot we usually use is on furlough, so we are having to use a more expensive helicopter. Thus, to save on expenses, Brother Randy hiked to our nearest airstrip (about 7 hours) and flew into town on a small airplane. The helicopter will be coming twice Wednesday with our supplies, Lord willing. Then Brother Randy will fly back to the same airstrip along with a motorbike that he has purchased. Then he and his national companion will ride (we hope) the motorbike back to Kiari. He should hopefully be home sometime Thursday.
We have heard some really great news though. Our mission agency was able to purchase 2 earth moving machines and will be sending them to us in a container hopefully within the next couple of months. These machines will enable both us and the missionaries in Aibai to complete our own air strips, greatly simplifying our supply trips. This is an answer to many prayers of many months from many people. A definite blessing from the Lord!

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