In all the excitement about the airstrip, I realized that I forgot to mention anything about the new teen Sunday school classes. I had 3 girls the first Sunday, 8 the next, and 11 last Sunday. The number increased both as older girls decided to leave the younger Sunday school class and join my class, and as other girls that attend sporadically started to come. We are studying through the book of Colossians. On Sunday we were talking about true Christian love that only the Holy Spirit can give to us. We, of course, discussed that the Holy Spirit is not given to us until after we are saved, so we talked about the need to make that decision. One of the girls came forward in the church service that followed and prayed to be saved. What a blessing! Please pray for Regina's continued growth.
Read-Write school also started this week. I am overseeing this ministry but a national lady is doing the actual teaching. She had 19 ladies and children for the first class. Some of these are people from church and some are unsaved folks from the community.
The work on the airstrip continues as Dale Crawford works from around 6:30am to 6:30pm each day. It is amazing the changes visible in such a short time. He hopes to finish the bulk of the work this week. Once the building part is finished, grass seed will need to be planted and the area fenced in. Please continue to pray for this project.
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