Saturday, July 17, 2010

Airstrip Work

The plan is still for a group from our church to leave on Tuesday for
a 3 day mission trip. Please continue to pray for the Lord to work
through the team.

Also on Tuesday, we will be getting a visitor from America. A man from
Ohio is coming out to help with the airstrip work. The work there
continues to progress slowly but surely. The majority of the bulldozer
work is done, but they are presently carving away at the mountain at
the end of the strip to extend it another 16 meters. Unfortunately,
the bulldozer has been developing mechanical difficulties, so the work
has been delayed for repairs (and trips to get the parts to make the
repairs). After the bulldozer work is completed, they will sow grass
seed, then the airstrip will have to be approved before it can be put
into use. Men from our church, community, and neighboring villages
have been working to fence in the airstrip. They have to cut down
trees to make the fence posts, then stretch and nail the pig wire into
place. We are still hoping that the strip will be in operation within
the next few months, but there are no certainties here. Once we are
finished with the bulldozer though, we will send it on to Aibai where
our GFA coworkers there will start work on their own airstrip. Please
continue to be in prayer for these projects.

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